Friday, June 17, 2011

Erotic Truth Day 27: Sharing Is NOT Caring!

Question: Your man/woman likes to have sex with the same sex. Are you willing to invite this into your bedroom? Why?


We've gone over how I dont like sharing...

Gone over how if youre gay to stay away...

Why would I let my dude bring a dude in our bed?



The Unconditional Realist said...

That is a question people should really take into consideration...
Think before you Leap!!!

LeeLee Aint Msbehavin' said...

For real

Reggie said...

Whatever.......bring that extra pussy on!!!

LeeLee Aint Msbehavin' said...

I dont share

Thee_Kween said...

See, again...Reggie is all to excited for that to happen. Us women aren't that turned on to walk in and see boo getting his booty compromised or compromising someone else's/..uh uh...

LeeLee Aint Msbehavin' said...

not okay at all